
An interactive installation to challenge the concept of borders in Biennale di Venezia.



To understand the meaning that the words foreign and foreignness carry today and how they could grow into in the foreseeable future.

Learn more about the initial challenge


We designed an interactive installation to start the conversation about identity and borders with visitors from Biennale. Our aim was to learn how might we present a future outlook for society to question the current concept of identity?

Check the experience


We collected data from 30 people from all over the world, identified insights and develop an extended version of the idea to transfer it to a business context.

Check the identity maps


To scale the Mapamelt interactive research to a possible business opportunity we ideate and come up with these options: A travel agency that provides support in planning a trip according to your desires. The creation of a community that enhances cultural exchange experiences and an interactive platform for kids that will help them learn about the world differently and entertainingly.